The AI is terrible to watch as enemies always go straight towards you even if there is a wall between you.
Not that you really need to see the next level because it is just another boring map with lots of tedious aliens to shoot. Finishing a level with only one life ensures you are not going far during the next level. There is lives system but the continues starts with the amount of lives you had before starting the level. Screenshots do not properly convey on how poorly it runs. I know beauty is subjective but I think we can agree all together on this and say this game is ugly. Alien Shooter is not among the list of even acceptable Vita twin stick shooters. Well at least we got lots of great twin stick shooters on the Vita. My second thought was about playing lots of great twin stick shooters. When the Vita was announced to have a right analog stick, my first thought was about playing lots of great first person shooters on a mobile When the Vita was announced to have a right analog stick, my first thought was about playing lots of great first person shooters on a mobile device.